Our Trade Supply to Northern Signage Companies

Apr 30, 2024

We hold many important, strategic partnerships that benefit our customers throughout the UK. There are none more important than our partnership with Nova Aluminium!

As one of the few manufacturers of all signs in Scotland and northern Britain, highly respected sign extrusion and kit manufacturers Nova Aluminium selected Centurion Signs to be their supply partner North of Yorkshire. Our location-based partnership was born out of the standards each company holds and has produced over many years.

You can learn more about Nova Aluminium and their 4 decades of market leading systems for signage here: www.nova-aluminium.com

Does Your Signage Supplier Manufacture Your Signs?

The simple answer to this question is likely to be no for many. And this is understandable due to the large investment and space required to do so.

The signage options available these days requires a factory worth of highly valuable equipment to produce. Therefore, many sign types will be outsourced to larger organisations such as ourselves.

However, we are very well equipped and versed in these types of relationships. So we can work very well with other Scottish signage suppliers to ensure their vision, or that of their customers, is produced to the highest of standards in our expansive manufacturing facility.

Our Manufacturing Facilities

Our manufacturing capabilities draw upon years of experience, skills and technology which allow us to adapt to an ever-changing signage need. We select superior materials to produce our signs and regularly research the market to guarantee we’re always using the finest and latest available.

Our impressive factory has produced some of the Glasgow skyline’s most notable signs and we are proud that it continues to produce wonderful, innovative signage solutions.

Learn more about our history of manufacture and supply here: www.centurionsigns.co.uk/news/general/1030/a-history-of-supplying-industry-leading-signage-in-glasgow